This multi-page listing was created by Mercy Washington Community Health and includes the most often requested information about various services for the uninsured, those with lower income, seniors, and other populations.  Many of these services are listed on the Foundations for Franklin County website, but this document provides a list of many of the most needed services in one place.




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Mobile Integrated Health Systems (MIH)

The Eastern Missouri MIH Network is a local “systems of care” approach on whole person care.  The service delivery model in Eastern Missouri capitalizes on the local partnership of Union, Meramec, St. Clair, Washington, Gerald and Lincoln County Ambulance Districts, along with health care providers including Compass Health Network, Mercy Hospital Washington and Lincoln.

MIH removes the barrier so many face in our community: access to care.  The program brings health care to the consumer in their home.

Services include:

Diagnostics (EKG)



Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Hospice Support

and many others.

To learn more or to refer a patient contact a coordinator for the specific county at the phone number noted.

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Mental Health Crisis Resources

Category: Mental Health

The Missouri Behavioral Health Council (MBHC) is a statewide network leading the way to accessible behavioral health care in Missouri. The group is made up of over 30 member agencies, all of whom utilize the continuum of care model, which offers the benefits of receiving individualized types and levels of treatment while helping people progress through a quality, cost-effective, and least restrictive system of care.

MBHC has created a comprehensive online listing of crisis resources, searchable by counties throughout the state. Services, hours, and other details vary, so please use the website link to locate help near you.


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State of Missouri Disability Resource Portal

In the United States, roughly 1 in 4 adults are living with a disability.

The Disability Portal is the State of Missouri’s disability resource website. It includes links to federal and state programs and services for Missourians with disabilities, provides information on laws, rights, and etiquette, and offers a searchable resource directory on local disability service organizations.

Here you can search by county and by disability type to find programs in Franklin County.  These include programs that help with a variety of disabilities, such as visual impairment, developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, respiratory conditions and many others.

Information is also available regarding related concerns, such as service animals, housing, and assistive technology.



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Partners In Kind Mental Health Clinic

Partners In-Kind (PIK) is a nonprofit mental health clinic funded by the Franklin County Community Resource Board and the Community and Children’s Resource Board of St. Charles County to provide no cost psychological evaluations to Franklin and St. Charles County children. Our licensed psychologists provide comprehensive evaluation services; offering diagnostic clarification to the families we serve, and bespoke recommendations and referrals to the most appropriate aftercare providers. Our evaluations address the full range of emotional and behavioral problems such as:

Academic Failure




Behavioral Problems

Bipolar Disorder




Sexual Behavior Problems

School Problems

Social/Relationship Problems

Substance Use



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Franklin County Family Resource Center
500 Clark Avenue
Union, MO 63084


Referrals for these services can be made on the organization's website or through their google form at this link:


Visit Site



988 Lifeline

Category: Mental Health

National crisis line serving people who are in emotional distress, including those considering suicide.  This is a free, 24 hour, seven days a week service that can be accessed via phone text or chat.

When people call, text, or chat with the 988 Lifeline, they are connected to trained crisis counselors who are part of the existing 988 Lifeline network, made up of over 200 local crisis centers. These crisis counselors are trained to provide free and confidential emotional support and crisis counseling to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress and connect them to resources. These services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the United States.

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Tri-County Birthright

Tri-County Birthright was founded in 1976 with support from concerned community members. This branch serves three counties: Jefferson County, Franklin County, and Washington County. The office is in Eureka, just off highway 44.

Provides free help with:

  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Counseling
  • Diapers
  • Clothes
  • Baby Care Items
  • Breast Pumps
  • Cribs  and more.

They also provide warm referrals and support for pregnant women and new mothers who are seeking other helpful resources.

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300 W 4th Street, Suite E
Eureka, MO 63025


MON: 9:30 - 3:30
TUES: 9:30 - 3:30
WED: 9:30 - 3:30
THU: 9:30 - 3:30


Visit Site


24 hour hotline: 800.550.4900

Mercy Substance Use Recovery Program

This outpatient program focuses on helping people find sobriety, set goals, and connect to other needed resources.

The program includes the use of medication assisted treatment for substance use disorder, including Suboxone, Vivitrol, and other medications.

Private insurance and Medicaid are accepted, and uninsured individuals receive assistance securing insurance or other forms of payment.  No patient is turned away.

Treatment is provided for Substance Use Disorder, Opioid Use Disorder, Alcohol, Amphetamines and Mental Health concerns.

Call 636.649.3080 to make an appointment. Walk-ins accepted on Mondays and Thursdays as well.


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Mercy Clinic
1935 Prairie Dell Road
Union, MO 63084


At this location, patients are seen:

Mondays & Thursdays from 8am-4pm





Grief Support Group- GRASP

GRASP – Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing – provides sources of help, compassion and, most of all, understanding for individuals and families who have experienced the death of a loved one due to drug use.  If you’ve lost someone you love to drug or alcohol use, don’t grieve alone.

This group meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at 1:00pm at the Foundations for Franklin County Office.

There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is requested prior to your first meeting.  Please call 636-288-9856 or email to connect with group facilitators Sarah and Tom.




Learn More Resources for Seniors

The CDC reports that 20% of people aged 55+ experience mental health issues. Access to structured programs can significantly help manage these concerns. We’ve developed a guide discussing mental health conditions in seniors and housing and care options.


This online resource for Seniors 55 and over provides information about mental health concerns for this population.  There are also links to help people find adequate support for their senior loved ones in the Franklin County Community.

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