988 Lifeline

Category: Mental Health

National crisis line serving people who are in emotional distress, including those considering suicide.  This is a free, 24 hour, seven days a week service that can be accessed via phone text or chat.

When people call, text, or chat with the 988 Lifeline, they are connected to trained crisis counselors who are part of the existing 988 Lifeline network, made up of over 200 local crisis centers. These crisis counselors are trained to provide free and confidential emotional support and crisis counseling to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress and connect them to resources. These services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the United States.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul- Franklin County Locations

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is here to help those who need immediate assistance in emergency situations. Natural disasters and unexpected tragedies often leave people without homes, funds, and support. The Society offers aid to people with nowhere else to turn.




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Local Societies of St. Vincent de Paul are housed within 6 Catholic Churches throughout the county. Phone numbers for each are listed below. To find the St. Vincent de Paul closest to you, use the searchable map with the physical address of each location by visiting the website linked in this entry.




Visit Site


New Haven/Gerald: 573-459-6441
Sullivan: 573-468-6101
Villa Ridge: 636-451-4685
Union: 636-583-5144
Washington/Krakow: 636-239-3919
Washington: 636-239-3520

A Senior’s Guide to Fentanyl

Excellent Care, Decency, and Optimal Living (ECDOL) is a website created to help individuals find the right care for themselves and their loved ones. We provide detailed information on Assisted Living and other senior care options, to help you in your important decision. At ECDOL, we understand that this decision can be challenging, so we do our best to make things easier. We have a nationwide directory of Assisted Living Facilities and senior care, so you can search for options anywhere in the United States and in Canada. To complement this directory, our website provides general information, frequently asked questions (FAQs), tips, and insightful articles. We aim to be the most comprehensive senior care website available. The use of this website is offered at no charge to you or your family. If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns regarding senior care options or our website, feel free to contact us anytime at Communications@ECDOL.org

ECDOL has added important information about Fentanyl to their website.  It includes an understanding of Fentanyl, the threat it poses and how to have conversations with adult children and grandchildren.

Stories of fentanyl have populated news outlets nationwide for years, but many individuals still are unclear about precisely what it is and why it is so dangerous. At ECDOL, they aim to inform aging adults about issues that may affect them or their loved ones. To help, they created a guide that explains in detail what fentanyl is, why it is so dangerous, and how individuals can talk to their loved ones about it.

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Gateway to Hope- Breast Health Screening Support

Gateway to Hope helps patients get the help they need with breast health screenings, transportation to appointments, financial assistance when applicable, and other barriers to care when it comes to breast health.

Through their patient support programs, they partner with patients to reduce the financial and emotional burdens of seeking care, empowering individuals to focus on their health.

Patients or caregivers can learn more by visiting the website, calling the screening team, or sending an email to screening@gthmo.org


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3114 Sutton Blvd.
Maplewood, MO 63143

With services reaching the entire St. Louis Metro Area, including Franklin County




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East Central College Adult Education Program

Category: Education/Career

The adult education program at East Central College provides high school equivalency classes, English Language Classes and college preparation at no cost.

Contact Alice Whalen, Program Director for more information.

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Hanani Health Outpatient Services

Hanani Health Outpatient Services is a certified outpatient provider through the Missouri Department of Mental Health and provides 12-week intensive outpatient services for men and women seeking recovery from substance use disorders. Email or call us for more information regarding our outpatient program.

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Tri-County Birthright

Tri-County Birthright was founded in 1976 with support from concerned community members. This branch serves three counties: Jefferson County, Franklin County, and Washington County. The office is in Eureka, just off highway 44.

Provides free help with:

  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Counseling
  • Diapers
  • Clothes
  • Baby Care Items
  • Breast Pumps
  • Cribs  and more.

They also provide warm referrals and support for pregnant women and new mothers who are seeking other helpful resources.

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300 W 4th Street, Suite E
Eureka, MO 63025


MON: 9:30 - 3:30
TUES: 9:30 - 3:30
WED: 9:30 - 3:30
THU: 9:30 - 3:30


Visit Site


24 hour hotline: 800.550.4900

Life’s River- Temporary Family Supportive Housing

Category: Shelter/Housing

Life’s River is working to alleviate housing insecurity in Franklin County. They provide a safe
residential space for families experiencing housing crisis and support them with the care and
resources they need to achieve lasting financial and housing stability.
We have prioritized creating a space that is not only safe, but actively fosters growth, providing
a setting for families to embark on a journey towards wholeness and enduring positive change.

Upon being accepted to the program, each family will be thoughtfully paired with one of our
dedicated case managers. Together they will create a custom-tailored plan with well-defined
goals.  Through working with community partners, plans may include financial education and
planning, budgeting, debt-management, life skills, counseling, legal aid, and educational and
career advancement.

Upon graduating from the program, each family will be paired with a mentor family who will
work with the case managers to monitor their progress for the next 12 months and cheer them
on in their continued journey to lasting success.

Qualifications for Life’s River must be a family with minor age children, cannot be on sex
offender list, be willing to complete background check, no active substance abuse or addition,
ready to participate in challenging program focused on self-discipline and personal growth.

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Vital ID- Legal Identification Assistance

Category: Legal Aid

Vital ID of East Central Missouri helps individuals acquire legal identification documents, including:


US Birth Certificate

MO Non-Real Non- Driver Photo IDs

US Social Security Cards


The group also provides training services for area resource providers to help them become familiar with community resources, demographic reporting, grant writing, and funding reimbursement.  Local agencies can become trained in the process and paperwork that’s required when an individual needs to replace or obtain legal identification documents.



Learn More


Vital ID Program of East Central Missouri
500 Clark Ave., #F
Union, MO 63084

Email: Vital.ID.ECM@gmail.com







Manna & More

Category: Food

This groups serves a free community meal once each week in two locations: Washington and Union.


There is no requirement to register or qualify, just show up and enjoy a free meal.


Days, Times, and Locations are:

Tuesdays, 6pm-7pm

Peace Lutheran Church

5 Scenic Drive

Washington, MO  63090


Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm

Franklin County Family Resource Center Board Room

500 Clark Avenue, Union  63084  (Entrance in the back of the building)


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Tuesdays- Peace Lutheran Church
5 Scenic Drive Washington

Wednesdays- Franklin County Community Resource Center Board Room
500 Clark Avenue Union


Tuesdays in Washington, 6pm-7pm
Wednesdays in Union 6pm-7pm



